Our philosophy of integrated child-centred programs focuses on supporting all our children to:
Sekolahku-Myschool is an experimental educational centre where new programs built on international research and best practices are developed, trialed and researched.
All the training programs at SMS are research based from actual programs implemented in real workplaces by experienced teachers under the strict supervision and guidance of professional educators.
At Sekolahku-MySchool, we believe that inclusion means all students are fully engaged in learning together at their individual levels of learning, without any distinction of background, race, religion, nationality, gender, social or economic status, competencies or special needs. Through applying the principles of inclusive education, we make it real by building on children’s strengths and minimising their weaknesses; accepting differences; non discriminatory practices; peer assisted learning; and positive reinforcement in all that we do.
We focus on meeting the diverse needs of all children in our community. We implement flexible ways of learning tailored to meet these needs. In moving towards educational flexibility, we value diversity and work to remove any impediments that may limit a student’s education.
Our continuous learning curriculum provides a model of high quality Playgroup to Year 6 education for the people of Indonesia. It provides the same opportunities and experiences for all students (without discrimination) in an environment where children can develop emotional intelligence accompanied by social, moral, spiritual and physical motor skills. By integrating the individual, their knowledge and skills, we are preparing the future leaders of our world.
Unit Pengembang, Pelatihan dan Penelitian (UP3) is the training arm of YTCG that offers various training modules for teachers and community groups interested in developing a learning environment where children are motivated and able to learn safely as individuals or within group settings. These modules, that include Anti-Bullying, Brain Gym, Gymnastics and Mindfulness, are fully researched and trialed field-based training programs
Our UP3 training team developed these modules to fulfil 2 goals
1. For SMS to become a great school, and
2. To assist other schools to become great
With the first goal almost achieved, UP3 is now focused on making their specialized modules available to other teachers and learning environments. All children deserve to attend a great school, but
… survey conducted by UNICEF Indonesia in 2015 revealed that as many as 50 percent of local students, aged 13 to 15, have been bullied in their schools
(Indonesia Expat, 2017)
… school bullying is claiming the lives of children as young as primary school age through physical violence and suicide (nobullying)
UP3 is reversing this terrible news with their fully researched and well-developed Anti-Bullying training module. Training for this program, first implemented as a pilot in 2006 at Sekolahku-Myschool, is now available through UP3 for training teachers from other schools and universities.
The Anti-Bullying program has been researched over 10 years internationally between Dr Margaret Shore a volunteer at SMS. and a writer of the
Kindergarten Anti-Bullying program, Emeritus Professor of Early Childhood, Bythe Hinitz, at the College of New Jersey in the US.
In 2010 the two pioneers were joined by Professor Amitya Kumara presenting the University of Gajah Mada students’ research and practice into Bullying in Yogyakarta kindergartens and High Schools, at Conferences in the USA, Hong Kong, and Sweden. This research is recorded in a book, Impeding Bullying Among Young Children in International Group Contexts to be published by Springer early 2018
Indonesia Expat, 2017. The Fight against Bullying in Indonesia –
Jakarta Globe, 2017Bullying in Schools a Worry in Indonesia |
jakartaglobe.id/archive/bullying-in-schools-a-worry-in-indonesia/nobullying, Bullying in Indonesia – NoBullying – Bullying & CyberBullying Resources.
We believe in sharing our knowledge and expertise with other like-minded people so that the world’s communities will become harmonious. These training and research services are based on sharing our philosophy. We deliver our training through interactive workshop-information sessions where experienced trainers share their knowledge and successful experiences.
These are tailored to target the student’s issues in the context of the latest available research from Indonesia and overseas. Participants bring their own case studies and experiences to share with peers. Through guided discussions, the best approaches are jointly identified for implementation back in the classroom.